You took a long, hard look at yourself and admitted you had a problem with addiction. You entered a treatment plan, put in the time, and walked out clean. You’ve made it through your first month. Some days are harder than others. In the beginning, getting up in the morning without the source of your addiction was nearly unbearable. It became easier over time to function without an addictive substance. You want to continue on the path you are on as you embrace sober living. The important question you ask yourself now is how do I stay home?
The first thing you need to do is set the stage for personal success. If you have anything at home that could be a temptation, as someone who loves you get rid of it. Good friends and family can make preparations for your homecoming, tidying up, filling your refrigerator with healthy foods, and offering you a ride home when you check out. It will give you a boost to know others care about you as you make a transition that can fill you with anxiety. You won’t have to face this milestone alone. Consider asking a friend or family member to stay with you the first night if you live alone.
Give Yourself a Safety Net
Make sure you have places you can turn when you feel like you need help. You should have a mentor you can call any time you are afraid you will slip or you need advice. Attend support group meetings to remember that others are struggling with similar problems. Keep the lines of communication open with your family and friends. Find a cooperative environment when you go to work. Your home should be a refuge when your workday is done. If you don’t feel safe in your own home due to negative influences around you, it’s time to make a change.
Fill your life with healthy alternatives for the source of your addiction. Good food, exercise, and favorite hobbies can help you to cope with cravings. Find activities you enjoy, such as traveling, going to concerts, or taking a class. Get together with people who want to help you on your journey. You need to avoid anyone who may try to lead you astray.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel like you are going to slip. If you do relapse, it won’t be the first time it happens to someone who is in recovery. Talk to your therapist. Consider continuing outpatient sessions. Talk to people you know you can trust to find the right way to turn. Check-in with the physician if you have any questions. You should have annual examinations to ensure you are doing everything possible to improve your well-being. Your physician may recommend vitamins, changes in diet, and suggestions to improve your quality of sleep in order to build yourself up. Recovering from addiction can be overwhelming mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Nurture your spirit as well. If you are a person of faith, attending religious services can help you to have the strength to remain sober. Meditation can ease your mind when you are troubled, giving you an anchor when the pressures of life are tugging at you. Soothing music, good books, and movies can also give you an escape when you are tempted to give in to your addiction once again. Try keeping a journal every day that highlights something good that happened to you. Give thanks for your journey. You can keep track of how long it has been since you took your first step toward being sober. Celebrate every day.
If you need help in finding your way to sober living, our representatives are ready to take your call. Reach out to us at 833-680-0165. We’re here to offer you support in your time of need. You don’t have to face this struggle alone. We are here to listen.