When someone struggles with opiate addiction, they’ll often go to any lengths to get their hands on a drug. They will steal from friends and family members, commit a crime, or even attempt suicide. Opiates are some of the most addictive substances globally, and those who struggle with addiction need professional help as soon as possible.
Rapid opiate detox is one treatment option that may provide relief for those trying to kick their habit. This article discusses what rapid opiate detox is, how it works, what you can expect during the process, and whether it’s worth going through all of this just to get clean finally.
What Is Rapid Opiate Detox?
Rapid opiate detox is a new, innovative way to get the treatment you need to beat your addiction. There are several types of rapid opiate detox treatments available, and details about each one can be found further down this page. One thing that they all have in common, however, is that there is no anesthesia involved. This means that the person will not be put into a coma or made unconscious during the process. This is because anesthesia carries its risks, and medical professionals don’t consider it necessary when treating drug addictions.
It might be fine to use anesthesia for other conditions, but treating drug addictions without them isn’t dangerous by comparison, so healthcare providers rely on their expertise instead. Rapid opiate detox isn’t the same process that is used for alcohol or benzodiazepine addiction. It is also considered to be different than what is generally referred to as rapid detox, which involves anesthesia.
How Does Rapid Opiate Detox Work?
The goal during rapid opiate detox is to get opioids out of your system quickly so you can finally start living a sober life again. This treatment method does not require anesthesia because it doesn’t involve using harsh chemicals to flush substances out of your body.
Instead, doctors administer drugs that work by blocking opioid receptors and not absorbing any opiates while in your system. This means that if you do use any more drugs after these treatments, there won’t be any active ingredients left in them by the time they reach your brain. So, you will be safe, and the detox won’t fail like it often does with anesthesia-assisted treatments.
Rapid opiate detox can also help people to minimize or avoid withdrawal symptoms. For those who are having trouble quitting on their own because of severe cravings and withdrawals, rapid opiate detox could be a good option as well. Keep in mind that some people relapse after this kind of treatment, so don’t think it is completely foolproof. The good news is that there are more rapid opiate detox treatments available than ever before, and we expect even better options to come out over time as research continues. During most types of rapid opiate detox, you will be given a medicine called buprenorphine that works as an opioid blocker.
Then there are other medicines called naloxone and naltrexone which also work as opioids to help you stay sober for longer once the initial effects from buprenorphine have worn off. Naloxone is known to produce short-term withdrawal symptoms, but it is safe. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea, so it isn’t a completely pleasant experience, but this should only last a few hours. If the thought of going through what feels like a mild case of the flu sounds terrible, then talk with your doctor about treatment options that might not involve taking any more drugs during the process. One of the things that make rapid opiate detox so appealing is how quickly it works. Your body can completely clear out your system within a few hours.
What to Expect During Rapid Opiate Detox
When you receive buprenorphine for rapid opiate detox, most people don’t experience any withdrawal symptoms until the medicine has worn off. This leaves them feeling normal and able to carry on with their daily activities without dealing with any pain or discomfort that they might have experienced otherwise. What you choose to do during this time is up to you! You can relax and recover from all of the pain and discomfort the drugs caused, catch up on sleep or go back home if you still need more rest before continuing with your day.
What happens after rapid opiate detox?
It depends. Some people choose to go through rehab following the process to make sure they don’t relapse again, while others are content with never using drugs again and simply moving on with life. You would have to discuss your options with a doctor or addiction specialist before making any final decisions about them, though. This treatment isn’t just used for those who are addicted to opioids. It is also used for people who are addicted to alcohol so they can stop drinking as well.
This treatment method has been shown to work well in both cases because it can help addicts clear out their systems without putting themselves at risk of overdose, withdrawal symptoms, or another form of substance abuse. Are you or a loved one currently addicted to drugs? Don’t wait any longer; pick up the phone and find out what your options are. Call us today! Don’t let the addiction get worse; contact us so you can get back to being sober in no time! We can help you find a nearby treatment facility for your detox needs.
Don’t suffer anymore when there are people out there who want to help you! Get in touch with us today at 833-680-0165, and we’ll do everything in our power to make sure that you receive the best possible care available.