Heroin addiction is a terrifying and all-consuming addiction that can feel impossible to kick. The constant need to keep heroin in the body to prevent withdrawal symptoms can push all other priorities aside. Trying to get out of heroin addiction is best done with the right kind of support.
You’re Further Along Than You Think
Many people with substance-use disorder are further along in the recovery process than they think. Even for those who are still actively using heroin, seeking help and information is the first step. By researching what the options are, heroin addiction may not seem impossible anymore.
Heroin addiction usually involves a certain level of physical dependence. Regardless of how it is being used, the withdrawal process is often painful and can take days. Many people are afraid to stop using heroin because of the detox process.
There are many ways to combat addiction, but the detox process is best done with trained medical professionals. Physicians can help decrease or in some circumstances, eliminate, withdrawal symptoms.
Detox medication can help:
- ease anxiety
- help digestive issues
- cut cravings
- stop tremors
- reduce or eliminate sweating
- reduce or eliminate body aches
- decrease depression
There are a variety of FDA approved drugs that can greatly decrease heroin withdrawal symptoms. Because some of the strongest and most efficient drugs for detox symptoms are prescription, a trained medical professional can help.
Addiction Support
Once the detox phase has passed, many individuals with substance-use disorder assume they will be able to handle recovery on their own. This is likely not the case.
Heroin addiction is usually more than just heroin. The lifestyle that surrounds this type of addiction can be vastly different than the lifestyle you wish to have in the future. By detoxing, heroin is successfully out of your system, but the lifestyle is still likely at home.
Addiction support is more than just dealing with the substance itself. Frequently addiction support helps an individual in ways such as:
- esteem
- increased responsibility
- relationships
- stress
- anxiety
- cravings
- reaching out for help
There are many tools necessary to build a new life without heroin. Unexpected issues may arise in the beginning that can be extremely challenging without the right kind of support. Understanding how to navigate friendships with people who still use heroin can be extremely difficult without additional support and guidance. Managing complex family situations is another common problem that can influence heroin cravings.
Recovery Programs
There are several ways to recover from drugs and alcohol. Since everyone is unique in their capabilities and priorities, addiction treatment must coincide with what works. A robust social support network of peers is only one aspect of modern-day recovery treatment but can be the most helpful. Regardless of the treatment plan, structure and support are usually necessary.
By asking for professional help, you can work with others who have in-depth knowledge of heroin addiction and recovery. Peer support is often helpful during all stages of recovery and can prove invaluable in a group setting. Medical guidance, counseling and a focus on physical and mental health are all benefits of professional help programs.
Substance abuse treatment has greatly evolved over the years. Depending on the individual, a variety of settings and methods or a combination of both can work to sustain sobriety. Heroin addiction can come with intense cravings that need multiple approaches. With the advent of new medication, support groups, and trained professionals that can guide you in the right direction, help is easily accessible.
In addition to detox support, other possible recovery options include support programs, substance abuse counseling, holistic methods, physical health-related treatment and medication. Some of the best support for heroin addiction comes from peers and counselors.
To successfully stop heroin addiction, detox is necessary. For long-term recovery that does not involve constant cravings and depression, support is crucial. To learn more about recovery programs and treatment, we have counselors available around the clock. Please call 833-680-0165 for more information on addiction treatment.