How to Let Go of the Past in Recovery

Addiction recovery is a process of change through which an individual achieves abstinence from a mood-altering substance or behavior. Active addicts spend much time and energy numbing out their emotions and covering up their pain with their drug of choice.

This leaves little room for reflection or resolution of past issues. In order to move forward in recovery, it is important to deal with the pain of the past and learn how to let go. Below are some tips on how to let go of the past and move forward into recovery.


The first step in letting go of the past is acceptance. This means accepting that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol and that you need help to recover. It also means accepting that your life will be different in recovery. You may have to give up some of the things you used to do and the people you used to associate with.

This can be difficult, but achieving and maintaining recovery is necessary. If you are having trouble accepting that you need help, it may be helpful to talk to a counselor or therapist. They can help you work through your feelings and cope with your addiction.

Make Amends

If you have hurt people in your past, it is important to make amends. This means taking responsibility for your actions and apologizing for the hurt you have caused. It is also important to take steps to make things right. This may include making financial restitution or performing community service.

Making amends can be a difficult and painful process, but it is an important part of letting go of the past and moving on with your life. To ensure success, it is best to work with a therapist or counselor who can help you through the process.

Change Your Thought Patterns

If you want to change your life, you must change how you think. Addicts often have negative and self-defeating thoughts. To recover, you have to learn to recognize and change these thoughts. This can be a challenging process, but it is essential for recovery.

Working with a therapist or counselor can help change your thought patterns. They can teach you how to identify and challenge negative thoughts. They can also help you develop more positive and healthy ways of thinking.

Find New Hobbies and Interests

A big part of recovery is learning how to live a life without drugs or alcohol. This can be a challenge, but finding new hobbies and interests is important. This can help you fill your time and give you a sense of purpose. It can also help you meet new people and make new friends. There are many different hobbies and interests you can pursue. It is important to find something you enjoy that makes you feel good. Some popular hobbies and interests include:

  • Hiking to let go of the past
  • Photography to capture new memories
  • Cooking and baking to create healthy meals
  • Playing sports to stay active

If your hobby is something you used to do with drugs or alcohol, it is important to find a new way to do it. For example, if you used to go to bars to drink, you can find a new hobby that doesn’t involve alcohol.

Take Time for Yourself

In recovery, it is also important to take time for yourself. This means taking care of your physical and emotional needs. It is important to eat healthy, exercise, and get enough rest. It is also important to find healthy ways to cope with stress. This may include yoga, meditation, or journaling.

Taking time for yourself is essential to recovering from addiction. It is important to find activities that help you relax and de-stress. Finding activities that help you feel good about yourself is also important. These activities can vary from person to person, but it is important to find what works for you. Letting go of the past can be a difficult but necessary part of recovery. It is important to make amends, forgive yourself, and change your thought patterns.

Finding new hobbies and interests is also important, and taking time for yourself. If you find it difficult to let go of the past, it is important to seek help from our addiction recovery counselors at our counseling center. Our counselors can help you work through your feelings and develop healthy coping mechanisms. We can also help you develop a plan to make amends and change your thought patterns.  Ready to get started, call us today at 833-680-0165.