Does Rehab Work?

A popular question in addiction space is, “does rehab work?” The short answer is yes. Rehab is the best-known treatment for drug and substance abuse. It involves living with a group of people with the same goal of changing addiction and alcoholism habits.

You have heard reports of celebrities being sent to rehab by courts. Rehab is even the topic of TV shows such as Intervention. More than 20 million Americans need rehab. Thus, rehab is intended to help an individual stop addiction and substance abuse.

How Does Rehab Work for the Treatment of Addiction/Alcoholism?

Drug rehab is the process in which people fight to overcome substance abuse. It involves a variety of therapies and programs specifically meant to help those struggling with addiction achieve sobriety. There are various types of rehab, and each works differently.

The first one is inpatient or residential rehab. This type of treatment offers clients 24-hour care under the supervision of addiction counselors. It is best suitable for those with severe or long-term addiction. The other is outpatient rehab, which offers the same therapies as inpatient rehab. But the only difference is that clients return home after treatment.

Regardless of the type, all rehab programs help people construct a positive, healthy lifestyle without substance abuse. They offer the necessary resources and support to overcome signs of drug use disorder.

How Long Does Rehab Take?

In rehab, the main feature is extended abstinence from substance abuse. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports addiction treatment should last for 90 days. Schedules vary from program to program and depend on individual needs.

Life in rehab is structured. Every day is packed with therapies and activities that help with recovery from drugs and alcohol. By living with a new schedule, individuals can avoid returning to old tendencies that can interfere with their recovery.

Drug Rehab Success Rate

Many factors can influence the rehab success rate. One of the main factors is the rehab center itself. Then the quality of care offered to the client. Other factors include family employment status, educational background, and physical and mental health conditions. That said, the rehab success rate is high. Approximately 70% of those who fight addiction and alcoholism can successfully quit their substance abuse.

After Rehab, How Does Recovery Look Like?

Living a sober life is the end achievement of rehab. The first thing after rehab is, to be honest with yourself. Determine what your goals are. Success isn’t all about getting sober but about living a good life and not allowing addiction to control your life. Success after rehab means being able to do what you love every day. It is about following your passion and never letting them out of your sight. It is a matter of making the right choices, engaging in your day-to-day life and being productive in society.

Personal growth is a sign of rehab success. Is the individual keeping a steady job? Is the relationship with their family improved? Is he doing well in school? The essential type of personal growth is a demand to be sober and keep it interesting. This is perhaps the most significant sign that rehab has worked for them.

Drug rehab does work as long you admit you have the problem. Contact us today at 833-680-0165 and learn more about our programs. Our addiction and alcoholism recovery counselors are waiting to speak to you now .